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Working with Partners

Our Mission Strategy

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Working with Partners

At International Partners in Christian Ministry (IPICM), our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission by partnering with churches and evangelistic ministries around the world. We focus on growing the kingdom of God as we work with our global partners, together exploring various initiatives such as:

  • Community-wide, open-air evangelistic-healing meetings
  • Radio and television broadcasts in local communities
  • Leadership training seminars
  • Downloadable video, audio, and printable teaching materials
  • Establishing new churches

We believe that by forming meaningful partnerships with ministries, we can support the efforts of many local missions and unite in proclaiming the kingdom of God, healing the sick, and building up the body of Christ. Our primary focus is the expansion of the kingdom of God and we invite you to explore the ways in which partnering with us can empower your church’s or organization’s mission.

Our Mission Strategy

Our primary mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to lost souls and to help mature the body of Christ. Career missionaries do the same, but through long-term relationships and often following years of assignment to a single location. We are far more mobile and able to visit numerous places with the Gospel message and healing ministry. But the groundwork has to be laid first. This is where committed partnerships with churches and organizations already enjoying a presence in a host country are vital.

Church Ministry & Biblical Training

Ministering to the body of Christ is one of our principal goals in ministry. There is no single way in which this is done. Ministering to the needs of a congregation might come in the form of preaching, teaching, or even healing ministry. As important as it is to know what Scripture says in its historical, cultural, and linguistic context, it is equally important to train church leaders and congregations in the importance of living a bible-based life.

Even when the IPICM team cannot be physically present, we can still serve by video using Zoom or WhatsApp. If your church has access to a projector, we can minister live to your congregation and community over the Internet. Live video allows us to minister in ways that are both powerful and interactive.

Evangelistic Meetings

Our approach to evangelistic meetings varies based on the host culture and specific needs. Open-air services can be held in any location where permitted. The size and location of the meeting depends on local regulations and suitable venues like fields or stadiums.

When we preach the gospel during these meetings, we always extend an invitation to respond to Christ and pray for those in need of healing. We then follow-up with our partners to ensure new believers are cared for and encouraged to advance in their new faith.

Evangelism & Discipleship Training

Part of our goal is to train the body of Christ to better understand that Spirit led power evangelism is always productive, and that anyone can learn to share the Word without fear. Our dependence should always be on the convicting work of the Holy Spirit–not just powerful sermons–and how he incorporates signs and wonders to advance the kingdom of God. And as part of follow-up, because new converts should never be left to fall back into their old ways, we teach churches how to train and encourage their new disciples.

Building the Local Church

Once we establish partnerships in an area and conclude our efforts to evangelize unbelievers and train new converts to Christ, our mission approach changes somewhat. Frequently, we begin broadcasting the gospel message on local radio so that many can continue to receive truth and encouragement. But that’s not all we do.

In places where there is no church, we labor with our partners to build a biblically based assembly of believers. Our partners bring in mature pastors and workers that continue the ongoing work. In many cases, IPICM will purchase bibles and introduce training materials.

To learn more about what we do, visit the Kingdom Building page.

To join with IPICM in advancing the kingdom of God, we encourage you to thoroughly read the rest of our website and familiarize yourself with all aspects of our work and how we do things. Then, if you are interested in partnering with us, click on this email address ipicm.partners@gmail.com to open the partnership request email. Please remember to provide us with your contact information, including your first and last name and your country. Tell us about your ministry and how we can best work together. We will respond as soon as possible.

Please note that we are NOT a funding organization. We are unable to provide funding for your ministry projects. However, we do financially support the ministry services we provide.

How to Translate This Website

Good news! This website is now available in most of the world’s major languages. If English is not your first language, you can now select the language you prefer and translate this entire website into any of the many available languages Google Translate offers. Go to the top of this page and click on Translator and you will be presented with a dropdown list of languages to choose from. See the sample below.


International Partners in Christian Ministry (IPICM) is an American based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to Christian ministry and training, both domestic and abroad. Reproduction of articles, posts, and photos is expressly prohibited without written permission from International Partners in Christian Ministry. IPICM alone is responsible for content other than opinions posted by viewers. All rights reserved.

